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Bootstrax db interactions

Luca Scotto Lavina requested to merge bootstrax_db_interactions into master

Created by: jorana

Update bootstrax to:

  • Write to the updated adresses of the Mongo dbs
  • Only write to the 'eb_monitor' collection for monitoring bootstrax. This renders the 'bootstrax' collections in both the runs database and the daq database obsolete.
  • Remove functions that were doing the same kind of things as the system monitor does.
  • Change the philosophy of how the bootstrax/eb_monitor collection is used. In the past, we were writing one single entry per host to the 'bootstrax' collection. However, to have a log for the website to read from we are now inserting new entries into the 'eb_monitor' collection rather than updating.

The ‘eb_monitor’ collection will now log what parameters it is running with. For example:

'host': 'eb0.xenon.local', 
'pid': 29272, 
'time': datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 13, 12, 11, 47, 769000),
'state': 'idle',
'target': 'event_info', 
'max_cores': 4, 
'max_messages': 4, 
'undying': False, 
'production_mode': True

when it starts a run it updates fields like:

'run_id': 000000
'target': 'raw_records', 
'max_cores': 40, 
'max_messages': 10, 

Merge request reports
