Mounts for microstrax
Created by: jorana
Problem As illustrated in we can run into problems when some mount-points for the host of microstrax are not correctly configured. This resulted in an error like:
error | "Can't load metadata, data for XXXXX-raw_records-rfzvpzj4mf not available"
This is of course not very enlightening.
Solution At startup of microstrax, make sure that we actually have access to all the requested folders.
Test Below I show the resultant output when trying to read from the non-existing eb6.
(py37) xedaq@eb2:~$ microstrax --extra_dirs /nfs/eb6 --max_load_mb 10000 --
max_return_mb 200
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/xedaq/miniconda/envs/py37/bin/microstrax", line 7, in <module>
exec(compile(, __file__, 'exec'))
File "/home/xedaq/software/straxen/bin/microstrax", line 139, in <module>
load_context(args.context, extra_dirs=args.extra_dirs)
File "/home/xedaq/software/straxen/bin/microstrax", line 23, in load_context
raise IOError(f'No writing access to {d}. Check mountpoints ')
OSError: No writing access to /nfs/eb6. Check mountpoints