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Remap old runs.

Luca Scotto Lavina requested to merge remap_sectors into master

Created by: jorana

Required strax-implementation This PR only works if is merged.

What is the problem / what does the code in this PR do As discussed in some channels were swapped. In this implementation we fix this by remapping all channels as soon as the data is loaded. This is done only for 'old' data.

Can you briefly describe how it works? [like in] when one loads data you do either st.get_array or st.get_df (which then calls st.get_array for you). In the lines changed in this PR, you see that the results that is usually returned directly can now be changed by a function.

In this PR we use this feature to:

  1. Check if the data is older than the timestamp where we changed the cabling
  2. If so, remap all data that is associated to channel-numbers.

Can you give a minimal working example (or illustrate with a figure)? A (very elaborate) example can be found here (please note option 3 is what we are doing here).


  • The extra step naturally takes time and memory. At the moment I consider this an acceptable loss considering the low likelihood that a lot of analyses will be done on this data. The other option would be to reprocess all the data we have taken so far but this sounds like a lot larger effort.
  • I haven't included the he-channels. This can easily be done if we also update the reference to the auxiliary files accordingly after we merge

Merge request reports
