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add mv and nv to the datastream for processing (only on first try)

Luca Scotto Lavina requested to merge add_he_nv_datastream into master

Created by: jorana

What is the problem / what does the code in this PR do This addresses #174 (closed) to add high energy (HE) #161, neutron veto (NV) #86 and muon veto #173 to the main processing framework on the event builders.

Can you briefly describe how it works? On the first try of processing a run try to also make the non-raw_records data-types of the NV and the HE.

Can you give a minimal working example (or illustrate with a figure)?

bootstrax --process 9095 --sub_d_targets peak_basics_he hitlets_nv --target event_info

Currently that produces all the data listed under #175.

Tested? Yes, on eb0 on 21-08-2020

Merge request reports
