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Pytest all plugins

Luca Scotto Lavina requested to merge test_nT_plugins into master

Created by: jorana

What is the problem / what does the code in this PR do We don't test new plugins using travis (at least, until this PR). We do test some test data pulling for a 1T context (the demo in but that will not catch all registered plugins.

Can you briefly describe how it works? For each plugin, it tries to get some data and check if it's stored (as long as the plugin is actually saving it's results).

One important thing I had to do is disable the init of the rundb as that wouldn't work while building Travis. I think this is an okay work around but if someone knows a better work around I'd be most interested because if people don't know what they are doing and disable the rundb in their context that might lead to unwanted behavior (although the same is true for the we_are_the_daq option).

Can you give a minimal working example (or illustrate with a figure)?

(strax) joran@DESKTOP-URE1BBI:~/software/straxen$ pytest tests/

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