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fix issue 233

Luca Scotto Lavina requested to merge fix_1t_contexts into master

Created by: jorana

What is the problem / what does the code in this PR do See

The problem is that there were plugins in the 1T contexts that were depending on data-kinds that were not provided by the RecordsFromPax.

I considered fixing the register_all in the common_opts and registering all the 'nT' datakinds by hand (as we do with the DAQreader). However, as we need to do this anyway because of the High Energy plugins, I opted for removing it from the 1T contexts.

Edit 12-10 In the end I decided it's cleaner to do d5e2007c where I split out the nT only files like the neutron-veto associated plugins. I do keep the function strip_nt_plugins as the peaks/peakltes/pulses-processing are in the same files as their High Energy counterparts. Here I now rely on our naming convention to keep the plugins with provides == *_he out of the 1T contexts.

Merge request reports
