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Luca Scotto Lavina requested to merge Updated-classification into master

Created by: DonNabla

Implementation of a new Peak classification algorithm similar to the one used in pax and based on the rise time/ tight coincidence variables of the peak. I added two new variables in the "PeakBasics" plugin (rise_time and range_90p_area) and a new plugin "TightCoincidence" to compute the tight coincidence variable. Both are used in the new version of the "PeakClassification" plugin. You can see below a comparison between the current strax classification plugin and the pax-like peak classification using background data. As we can, with the current classification peaks corresponding to Single Electron (SE) are identified as S2, S1 and unknown peaks... But with the pax-like classification, they are properly tagged as S2 signal.


We test the validity of this new peak classification with the Peak validation notebook using the WFsim and we get the following S1 acceptance comparison between the current classification and my pax-like classification:


In the end the result is pretty clear:


Merge request reports
