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Led plugin

Luca Scotto Lavina requested to merge led_plugin into master

Created by: GiovanniVolta

Given the similarities between SPE and gain calibration a common plugin, to be integrated into strax (the new nT processor), will be used in XENONnT to access the LEDs raw data and return the variables needed for both of them. The plugin requires having the 'raw_records' available. To perform these analyses, a datasets of LED signals and a dataset of background are required. The latter is acquired with LED on in a setting with voltage low enough to not produce visible signals in the PMTs, i.e. 1.0V in XENON1T, compared to the ~3.5V for the SPE and ~4.2V for the gain. These values will probably change for nT. Two functions are defined in the plugin, to get the amplitude and the area in a given window. The window is defined as a configuration parameter that is set to a default value in the plugin, but can be changed in the analyses by defining a new configuration setting. The functions do the following:

  1. get_area, needed for the gain computation, sum the data in the defined window to get the area.

  2. get_amplitude, needed for the SPE computation, take the maximum in two different regions, where there is the signal and where there is not.

N.B.: remember to set the number of PMTs to 494 when nT data will be available.

Merge request reports
