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KrDoubleS1Scatter plugins

Luca Scotto Lavina requested to merge DonNabla-patch-1 into master

Created by: DonNabla

Implementation of the four plugins of the KrDoubleS1Scatter events processing. Those plugins are used for Kr events selection and analysis. The main features are the time ordering of the two main S1s and S2s peaks. Furthermore, several new variables, useful for the Kr events selection, have been implemented such as:

  • s1_a_area: Area of the first main S1 in time.
  • s1_b_area: Area of the second main S1 in time.
  • cS1_a and cS1_b: Corrected area of S1_a and S1_b using the event position.
  • cS2_a and cS2_b: Corrected area (position and electron lifetime) of the main and secondary S2 using their corresponding position.
  • s1_a_n_contributing: The number of PMTs contributing to the first S1.
  • s1_b_n_contributing: The number of PMTs contributing to the second S1.
  • ds_s1_b_n_distinct_channels: The number of PMTs contributing to the second S1 (S1_b) distinct from the one contributing to the first.
  • ds_s1_dt: The delay time between S1_a and S1_b peaks (using the center time of each peak).
  • ds_s2_dt: The delay time between S2_a and S2_b peaks (using the center time of each peak).

Summary note on Kr events selection with strax is under construction.

Merge request reports
