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Strax data to json microservice

Luca Scotto Lavina requested to merge microstrax into master

Created by: JelleAalbers

This adds a microservice microstrax based on hug, which serves arbitrary strax data over HTTP as json. To run it, just type microstrax in the command line, then go to e.g. http://localhost:8000/get_data?run_id=XXXX&target=raw_records. Hopefully this will help @darrylmasson @jorana with the online monitoring.


  • --port sets the HTTP port to listen to
  • --context sets which context in straxen.contexts.... we should use;
  • API supports start, end, and selection_str arguments to customize data selection;
  • API supports max_n to limit the number of rows returned (defaults 1000);
  • Requests aren't allowed to load more than 1 GB of data;
  • Requests won't convert to jsons larger than 10 MB;
  • Requests aren't allowed to build new data. This requires the latest strax master (for 86552f).

This also moves some XENONnT-rundb authentication specifics from straxen.contexts into the RunDB class, so that we can run on the eventbuilders without claiming to be bootstrax.

Merge request reports
