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Merge of nveto plugins

Luca Scotto Lavina requested to merge github/fork/WenzDaniel/master into master

Created by: WenzDaniel

With this PR I would like to merge the nveto plugins into the straxen master. You can find some information about the data structure and the plugins themselves in this note.

I made some changes in the fake_daq in order to be able to reprocess nveto data as well.

Additionally you will find in this initial PR some strange duplication of the DAQreader and for some of the common context settings. I did this to be able to convert the channel numbering of our HdM test setup data into a more final format; while I did not want to harm/affect the TPC readout chain which is already in use.

I scanned through all changes and they look fine to me, except for one. The changes in should not be applied. I just fetched and merged the latest version of nTs master, but for some reasons the corresponding lines remain the same. I do not know much about PRs, but I hope that you can simply block this single file while keeping the other changes.

Comments and suggestions about improvements are always welcome.

Merge request reports
